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called upon lo send volunteers to protect that portion of his state open to incursions from the Modocs. To this demand Canby responded by ordering two companies of artillery and two of infantry from the department of California, and one of artillery and one of infantry from the department of the Columbia; and, as the inhabitants of Surprise valley apprehended an uprising of the Snakes on account of the Modoc excitement, a company of cavalry was sent to their protection, making the number of troops, when the reinforcements should arrive in the Modoc country, six hundred exclusive of the garrisons at the several posts in the district of the Lakes. But even with these, the country being in parts inadequately guarded, the general sent a recommendation to army headquarters at Washington that conditional authority should be given him to call upon the governors of California and Oregon for two companies of volunteers from each state.

On the 23d the encampment at Van Brimmer's was abandoned, the troops and stores being removed to Lost river ford, where a permanent encampment was made, and where preparations were carried on for renewing the attack when the reinforcements should arrive. These preparations consisted in constructing two mortar boats with which to attack from the lakeside, while attacking at the same time from the land, surroundino- and batterino; down the strono-hold—a plan which, had it been suffered to go into execution, would have put an end to the Modoc war.

But now occurred one of those blunders of administration which have periodically marred our Indian policy

On the 30th of January General Sherman was directed by the secretary of war to notify General Canby by telegraph that offensive operations against the Modocs should cease, the troops being used only to protect the citizens and repel attacks. The explanation soon followed A peace commissioner was to under