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befriended the Chinese. Was ever such impudence heard of? By these allen hodcarriers, and the political pimps their associates, such citizens of the United States as preferred to employ Chinese to Irish were denounced as public enemies, whom to injure witliin their coward limit of law was imposed as a duty ! The followincr extract from the Caucasian constitution speaks their condemnation in stronger terms than mine. *' Each camp and every hidividual Caucasian, and every encampment, and the supreme camp, pledges to each and every merchant, manufacturer, and trader, traveler, mechanic, and laborer, thus acting, all their individual and combined influence, power, advertisement, and patronage; and shall oppose to annihilation by every manner and means within the thin gauze of the law all others.

"And it shall be the bounden and solemn duty of every Caucasian, of every camp, encampment, and the supreme camp, to pursue and injure every one while he remains on the list of public enemies, and each and every one forever, in all their walks of life, save religion, morality, and person.

"Every Caucasian, every camp, every encampment, and the supreme camp, shall labor to impede, harass^ and destroy a public enemy by every m-^de and means, and manner, known and unknown, wltliin the reach of brains and thought and act, and within the bounds of law.

"In his business, his means, his substance, his peace and success, publicly, privately, socially, commercially, and above all politically.

"Should property be lost because of such duty, the same not being insured, upon the proper showing encampment shall pay the fullest insurance that might have been secured upon such property ; and insured or not, encampment shall aid the faithful brother financially and in his credit to replace all losses.

"Should loss be occasioned because of the duty of