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he never had intended to pay any costs or judgment, or to abide the court's decision, but should lay his cause before the miners in mass meeting. Thereupon the plaintiff withdrew his suit, swearing that he had had enough of such nonsense, and avowing his purpose to settle upon the claim and defend it with his rifle. To this proposition the defendant heartily acquiesced, adding that, after all, the only way to settle differences amicably was to burn powder over them. Besides being the honorable and gentlemanly way, it was the only method which left no unpleasant feelings to stir up subsequent strife.

All which the judge marked with eyes and ears attentive; marked in dignified and meditative silence, with thought sluggish at the first, but gradually revolving, and with accelerated swiftness, until from the unwonted friction there rose to the eyes electric fire, and a red deeper and more indignant than that of rum suftused the face. How long should these things be ? How long should the blind goddess of the round tent be insulted by the vile rabble ? How long should appeals begun in prayer abruptly terminate in blasphemy? George Kelsey, alcalde or no alcalde—that was the next case to be tried in the round-tent, a case in which the arm of the law should appear in corporeal visitation.

Slowly rising, he stepped from behind the table and laid aside his coat. Insignia of oflice seemed suffocating just then. While bundled in dignity he was less a man than when facing upon common ground those who had elevated him out of himself Calling to the absconding litigants, he said, "Tim Loker, John, a word before you go. I question no man's right to carry his quarrel to any mill he thinks will grind it best; but once set in motion, the wheel of round-tent justice stops only at the master's bidding. You have honored me by elevation to oflfice; you have honored me by bringing here your cause; now I purpose to give you, Amber John, a sound thrash