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•' Silence 1 " cried the judge, his face reddening for the unblushing females. " Officer, bring forward any who applauded." The officer after some search reported his inability to find such a one. Then spoke Laura :

"Judge, it was all my fault."

"Madam," said the judge, turning sharply upon her, " speak only in answer to such questions as are put to you. You are not blamed for the disturbance."

" Well, judge," replied Laura, " human nature could not stand it." Emily Pitt Stevens was now pointed oat as one who applauded.

"' Did you applaud ? " demanded the judge of her.

"Judge, I was not aware that I could not applaud in court," replied Emily.

" Did you applaud ? " cried the judge.

"I said ' good.' "

" What is your name ? "

" Emily Pitt Stevens."

" You applauded in court, did you ? "

" I said ' good ' and I put my hand down on the desk so."

" Did you make any noise ? "

" I made no noise with my feet."

" Did you with your hands ? "

"With my hands I did."

" You are fined twenty-five dollars."

" I will pay it," cried Laura.

" Thank you," smiled Emily.

Another of the sisterhood, Mrs Booth, was then accused.

"I did not applaud," said she.

"You did," answered her accuser.

" Judge," exclaimed the female rising and addressing the bench, " I was not aware that I could not applaud."

" What is your name ? "

" Mrs Booth."

" Did you applaud ?"