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had unjustly condemned and executed Almagro, Alvarado's friend. Five days after sending the cliallenge Alvarado died, and dark suspicion fell on Pizarro, whose misdeeds in Peru were well known, and who was subsequently confined for twenty years. Cortes himself had frequent affairs of honor before coming to America.

Pillet, of the Pacific Fur Company, in May 1813 at the Spokane house in Washington, fought a duel with Montour of the Northwest Company with pocket pistols at six paces. Both were hit; one in the coat collar and the other in the trowsers' leg. Two men, one from each of the respective companies, acted as seconds. The wounds were all duly healed by the tailor.

Unhappy the day that brings accursed culture to a simple home. Civilization teaches savagism how to cheat at gambling, how to give and accept a challenge, but when it comes to actual fighting then each prefers its own way. In August 1814 a chief at Fort Spokane was accused by a gigantic Scotch trapper, McDonald, of having played unfairly while gambling, and was told that he must come out and fight, for he had been insulted and either he or the Scotchman must die, for the world was not large enough to hold a Scotchman and a Spokane who had gambled and quarrelled. When the chief was informed of the orthodox way affairs of that kind were conducted, he greatly wondered that men could be so foolish as openly to stand before each other's fire, and insisted that they should retire to the woods where each might choose a tree to stand behind, and dodge for the first fire. Failing to agree, friends interposed and the belligerents were pacified.

In 1845 a man was brought before a judge in Oregon for challenging another to fight a duel, and in accordance with a law just passed, he was fined $500 and disfranchised for life. In truth there seemed to be more challenging than fighting, a genuine chal