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sons, including most of the notables of the district. The challenger, Stoddard, failed to appear and his second, Levi, took his place. It was arranged that Levi should fall, but Godfrey's pistol failing to discharge, the joke soon leaked out, and so enraged was the dupe, that Levi narrowly escaped with his life.

It was " conducted upon the most humane and honorable terms known to the code," they said, when on the 16th of September 1859, William J. Gate wood shot P. Goodwin in the abdomen with a rifle at forty yards, so that he died in excruciating agony within three hours. The killing was done in a very gentlemanly manner. Gatewood was a lawyer, and Goodwin a doctor.

" Doctor I am very sorry that this affair has terminated so; very sorry indeed," said Gatewood.

"I am glad to know that. you acted like a gentleman," replied Goodwin.

It was beautifully done; and so sentimental like I One would think the lawyer would almost rather have been shot himself, and that the doctor found it sweet to die at the hand of so gentlemanly a slayer. The people of San Andreas where the two men lived were likewise sorry; they were both good fellows and had their friends. They did not approve of an incensate fashion based upon feudalistic superstition and brute force, but, said they, "when the supreme judge of the state lays aside the ermine to fight a duel; when a United States' senator does not think it so terrible to face the shot of an experienced marksman at ten paces, as to look public opinion in the eye and incur its scorn b}' refusing to accept a challenge; when society and the people lavish their favors and caresses upon those who have fought duels, and honor the successful slayer—we see no recognized crime or violence to the commonwealth in the act." Goodwin spoke sharp words to Gatewood; Gatewood struck Goodwin; Goodwin challenged and Gatewood killed. Glory to Gatewood 1 Poor Goodwin ! Gatewood is