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rents and themselves so much to acquire. The masses in California, except in money matters, were soft in heart and conscience toward old family-altar and Sunday-school memories, and the colors of the childish superstitions concerning clergymen had not yet been wholly eradicated by the toils and tumults of California. Quack medicine was a little more efficacious coming from holy hands. It was not quite so unpalatable being cheated by a soft, smooth-tongued, glowing gospeler, as by a Jim Stuart or a John Jenkins. This the pious pilgrims soon ascertained; and so many turned clerical tramps, going from place to place, preaching cheap nonsense here and there to stupid prayer-lovers, picking up such nuggets and knowledge as they could lay their hands on, paying for their breakfast with a hymn of praise, and on the whole satisfied with their three years' reading of stale theology and the Lord's care of them therefor.

A favorite plan was to turn insurance agent, or take a sewing-machine or patent medicine, and beg people for Christ's sake to buy of them, and for the love of Christ many would so buy. So easily are men duped on the side of their prejudices. In this way, during a long business career, from the most hallowed opinions of the cloth which had been instilled in their minds since infancy, good, honest-minded men came to regard them as they were. But it was slowly, and at the cost of numerous losses, that the eyes were opened. Then people saw the country full of canting, hypocritical humbug, which, in the name of religion, preyed upon the poor and credulous. As insurance agents they became very expert, quickly learning whenever they encountered a man how much of salvation or damnation to mix with their wares, or whether to dish up for their customer piety or profanity.

Twenty broad examples might be cited of their rascality, which happened under the direct observation of the community, but one will here suffice, as it is not a very delightful theme.