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nating point of his encomiums, when up jumped the Gaul, and thrusting his hand deep in his pocket drew forth a ten-dollar piece, and marching up to the pulpit deposited it upon the desk in front of the speaker.

One morning after breakfast a woman sat quietly looking over the paper, when glancing her eye down the list of passengers to sail by the Tennessee, April 1, 1851, she started as if stung. There, about the middle of a list of two or three hundred, she saw the name of her husband. It is true his trunk was packed, but, as he had informed her, for a short trip into the country. Her first impulse was to create a disturbance; but bein2 a sensible woman, on reflection she concladed such a husband was not worth having, and he might go. As he was then absent from the house making preparations for his long voyage, she unlocked his trunk and examined the contents. Sure enough there was the evidence, in the shape of all his movable property, of his intention to abandon her; and among the rest $8,000 in coin. 'At all events," she said to herself, ' he shall leave me some means of support." So she took from the amount $3,000, a moderate division on her part, locked the trunk and bade her husband farewell, giving no signs of her knowledge of his intentions. Thus both played their little first of April trick, and the wife was not the loser.

The grizzly bear is the king of Californian beasts, rivalling in courage and strength the royal lion himself They are bold and cunning and in early days were very plentiful. Then the old hunters of Missouri and Kentucky, who had been tempted by the promise of lucre from the traffic of their love, often turned for a few hours from their digging to chase or be chased by the grizzly. Early one morning in 1849 a Missourian, called by his comrades Graygritz, took up his rifle and started out for a buck. He had not