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iSalein prison, descript. of, 4S0-1.

Salooxid, descript. of, 674-8.

San Andreas, justice at, 1877, 644-5; dwelling near, 1859, 775-6.

San Antonio, dwelling at, 1853,. 7567. San Bias, descript. of, 215.

San Diego, descript. of, 1852, 217; storm at, 1849, 217-21; jxistice at, 1849, 613; duelling fined at, 183641, 746-7.

San Francisco, bay of, 21-3; buildings and streets of, 1849, 260-5, 281-2, 286-7; pile-driving in, 2645; character of population, 265-6; the drama, 267-9; arrival of steamers, 270-2; postal delivery, 272-4; steamer-day, 275-6; post-ofSce, 278-9; poverty in, 1852-3, 283; bull -fighting, 283-5; promenades, 285; cemeteries, 290-1; homes, 2912; climate, 292; the new city, 2923; society, 294-314; pawnbroking, 324-6; commerce, 335-58; stockbroking, 336-7; strikes, 339^0; coinage, 340-1; banks and business failures, 341, 344; auctions, 346-7, 350-1, 358-9; prices, 347-51; business depression in, 1851-5, 356-7; squatter troubles, etc. in, 396^07; prisons, 415; law-courts, 590, 6236, 639-40; grand jurv, 1850. 600-1; gambling in, 697-727; duelling, 1851-09, 749-83.

Sanlsidro, alleged gold discov. near, 40.

San Jose, justice at, 656; Goscolo's outrages, etc. at, 747-8.

San Juan del Norte, descript. of, 199.

San Quentin, name, 413; under Spanish regime, 414-15; stateprison built at, 416; contracts, etc., 416-17; site, 418; buildings, 41819; treatment of prisoners, 419-22; escapes from, 425-6; aiiray at, 1877, 783-4. _

San Rafael, disturbance near, 407; town of svirveyed, 407; duelling near, 1861, 776.

Sandels, Dr, explorations of, 51-2.

Santa Barbara, duelling at, 1825, 746.

Santa Cruz, justice at, 652-5.

Scala, Count, 'Nouvelles Annales,35-6.

' Scarface, Chief, ' campaign at the lava beds, 1872-3, 492; surrender of, 558.

Scenery, (Cal.) descript. of, 2-24.

Schira, Mrs, narr. of, 474-5.

Schira, N., killed by Modocs, 1872,

474-5. Sconchin, Chief, raids of 1863, 447;

at Modoc point, 451-4; the Modoc

outbreak, 1872, 466, 478-81. 487;

the peace commission, 511, 514-15;

message to Canby, 521-2; mediation

of, 529; insolence of, 541; execution of, 558. Schroeder, J., killed by Modocs,

1872, 476. Scott, Dr, mention of, 798. Scott, W. H., duel with Smith, 1853,

757. Scott bar, election at, 1851, 651. Settlers, definition of word, 396-7;

contrasted with squatters, 397. Sheldon, mining dispute, etc. of, 246. Shelvocke, G., voyage, etc. of, 1719 22, 29-30. Shephard, P. W., mention of, 772. Sherman, Gen., the Modoc war,

1872-3, 505-6; correspond with

Canby, 516-17, 526-7. Sherwood, Lieut, death of, 544-5. Shillaber, T., mention of, 403. Shillingow, A., killed by Modocs,

1872, 477. Shoalwater bay, justice at, 635-8. Showalter, D., duel with Piercy,

1861, 776. Silva, Capt., G. M. C, the Modoc

outbreak, 1872, 488. Silvas, N., mention of, 748. Simmons, W., judge at Scott Bar,

etc., 1821, 651. Simpson, H. I., story of, 438-41. Sinclair, story of, 385-6. Siskiyou county, petition from, 1869,

450. Slaughter, C, the Chico riots, 1877,

572-0; arrest, etc, of, 577-9. Slavery, question of, 365. Sloat, L. W., prediction of, 54. Smith, C. T., storyof, 801-4. Smith, G., story of, 71-2. Smith, H., mention of, 774. Smith, J., gold discov'd by, 39. Smith, J. C., duel with Broderiek,

1852, 752-3. Smith, P., duel with Scott, 1853, 757. Smith, explorations of, 90. Society, descript. of, 294-314, 361-80. Somers, C, duel with Lewis, 1853,

757. Sonoma, justice at, 627. Sonora, justice at, 1851, 630-3; duelling at, 1852, 753; 1859, 776. Soto, M., duel with Borondo, 1825,
