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Round the Syluan fairy neuks,
Feath’ry braikens fringe the rocks,
Neath the brae the burnie Jouks.
em}}And ilka thing is cheery O.
Trees may bud, and birds may sing,
Flowers may bloom, and verdure spring,
Joy to me they eanna bring,
Unless wi' thee, my dearie O.


O haste mi dear lassie, thy lover ready,
To prove he is faithfu’ and true his jo;
Come share o’ my fate, and tak part o’ my plaid,
O bonnie lass, wiltu na bundle and go?
Thy vow are sae true may never be broken,
To flee wi’ me, come weel or come woe;
Thy glove, my love, is here as a token,
Sae bonnie lass, wiltu na bundle and go?

Our road it is lang. and the night’s mirk an’ rainy,
The dubs are a fu’, and our pace will be slow;
My daddy will soon be asteer for his Jenny,
Sae bonny lad, how can I bundle and go?
Still true for you a season I’ll tarry,

Mair kind you’ll find, my daddy will grow;