Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/14

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Contents. PAGE Agreement with Ferdinand and Isabel, 1492 22 Existing state of geographical knowledge. Colombo's voyage, 1492-3. Bulls of Alexander VI 23 Other voyages of Colombo ; his death, 1506 24 Vasco da Gama's voyage to India, 1497-8 25 Stay at Calicut ; return to Lisbon, 1499 26 Muslim trade with the East. Emporium of Calicut .... 27 Malacca. Arabia. Advantages of Portuguese for militant commerce . 28 Cabral leads another expedition. Cochin and Cananor, 1500 ... 29 Other expeditions. Hostility of the Zamorin of Calicut .... 30 Repeated encounters. The Moorish ports seized. Goa occupied. Affonso de Albuquerque, 1509-15. Malacca seized . . . . . ,; * 31 Affonso in the Red Sea; at Hormuz. His death 32 Englishmen take part. Bristol. The Cabots. Charter of Henry VII, 1496 33 Spain sends Pinzon and Americo Vespucci to S. America, 1499 . . 34 Brazil discovered. Cabral on the coast of Brazil, 1500. The New World. " America" ............ 35 The Pacific reached from the East Magalhaes, 1519-21 ... 36 CHAPTER II. THE NEW WORLD. By E. J. PAYNE, M.A., Fellow of University College, Oxford. Earlier history of the New Continent ; lack of records . . . 37 The Nahuatlaca in Mexico ; and other aboriginal races. Their migrations. Mexican records 38 Strife of highlanders and Lake pueblos in Mexico 39 Accumulations of gold in Mexico. Early Spanish colonies . . . 40 The mainland visited. Expedition of Cortes, 1521 41 Conquest of Mexico, 1522. Its civilisation 42 Gold sent to Europe. Intervention of Francis I. Verrazzano. New France 43 Cartier in North America, 1534. The Inca nation in Peru ... 44 Pizarro in Peru, 1532 45 Settlement of the conquered countries. Influx of gold to Europe. Piracy and Protestantism 46 Reaction of the New World on Europe. Religious toleration possible in the New World 47 French Protestants to Brazil under Durand, 1555 48 Portuguese in Brazil, 1531. Failure of Durand's colony .... 49 Failure of another French colony in South Carolina. English interest roused 50 Interlude of The Four Elements 51 America for the English. Richard Eden 52 The North East Passage. Willoughby. Frobisher 53 Hernan de Soto in "Florida," 1539- 54 Queen Elizabeth and Florida. Huguenots in Florida, 1564 ... 55 New ideas suggested by new discoveries: More's Utopia .... 56-7 Montaigne and the New World 58 Comparison of Americans and Europeans 59