Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/16

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xii Contents. PAGE Death of Jem, 1495. Inaction of Bayazid ; war with Venice, 1499. Defeat and death of Loredano "........ 87 Fall of Lepanto. Losses in the Morea. Gonzalo. Peace, 1503. Ismail the first Son of Persia 88 Egypt ; war, 1485 ; peace, 1491. The Sultan's sons at war ... 89 Selim I, 1612. War with Persia. Sunnites and Shiites. Conquest of N. Mesopotamia, 1516 90 Conquest of Syria, 1516 ; Egypt, 1517. Translation of Caliphate. Authority of the Imam or Caliph 91 Leo X, Francis I, and the Crusade. Death of Maximilian, 1519, and of Selim, 1520. Solyman, the Lawgiver, the Magnificent ... 92 War with Hungary; Szabacs, Semlin, Belgrade captured, 1521. Rhodes attacked 93 Rhodes captured, 1522. Francis I appeals to Solyman .... 94 The Reformation and the Crusade. King Louis of Hungary ... 95 Campaign of Mohacs. The battle, defeat of Hungarians, 1526 . . 96 Zapolya and Ferdinand. Jajce captured, 1528. Solyman in Hungary, 1529 ; Zapolya submits. Buda captured ...... 97 Solyman repulsed at Vienna, 1629. The Ottoman State; its Laws and Codes . ., . * ; . 98 The Sipahis ; their organisation. The Janissaries . . . . nrVi 99 Fanaticism. Fatalism. Deterioration in rulers ..... 100 Administration of justice. The Grand Vezir ; Ibrahim, 1523- . . 101 Finance. Kharaj. Condition of Christian subjects ..... 102 The Greek Church under the Turks ... 103 CHAPTER IV. ITALY AND HER INVADERS. By STANLEY LEATHES, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College. Italy in the fifteenth century. Peace. Balance of power. State system. Death of Lorenzo de' Medici and Innocent VIII, 1492 . . . 104 The Kingdom of Naples ; its characteristics. King Ferrante ... 105 Milan. Ludovico Sforza; his character; his wealth .... 106 Military weakness. Relations of Italy to France under Louis XI. Acces- sion of Charles VIII, 1483 107 Ludovico approaches the French Court. French claims to Milan, to Naples 108 Influences for intervention in Italy. Embassy of Ludovico ... 109 Piero at Florence. Alexander VI at Rome. Relations with Florence, Milan, Venice, and Naples. Giuliano della Rovere . . . . no Charles' dealings with Britanny, England, Aragon, Maximilian. Danger of Ludovico. French preparations ...... Ill Invasion, 1494. Battle at Rapallo. Advance to Asti '. '. 112 Charles at Pavia, Piacenza, Pontremoli. Surrender of Piero. Piero exp'elled! Charles enters Pisa and Florence ..... 113 Advance on Rome. Perplexity of Alexander; he yields to necessity Resignation of Alfonso. Succession of Ferrantino. French advance . 114