Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/837

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Index. 801 Bruges, banking business of, 429 ; craft- gilds of, 428; Maximilian I's captivity at, 448 Brugmann, Johannes, 435 Bruni, Lionardo, 541 Brussels, 419 ; treaty of (1498), 454 Buchanan, George, 582 Budaeus (Guillaume Bude"), 576 Bullock, Henry, 580 Bundschuh, the, 299 Buonaccorsi, Biagio, 200 Burghley, William Cecil, Lord, 522 sq. Burgundian Circle, the, 459 Burgundio, Johannes, of Pisa, 588 Burgundy, Charles the Bold, Duke of, 295, 389-91, 410, 417, 422, 424, 430-2 Burgundy, the House of, its dominions, 418 sqq. ; its monarchical power, 424 sqq. Burlamacehi, Fr& Pacifico, 168 Busch, John, 631, 639 Busche, Hermann von dem, 435 Cabot, John, 20, 33, 36, 50 ; his three sons Lewis, Sebastian, and Sanctua, 33 Cabral, Pedro Alvarez, 29, 34 Caffa, conquest of, 83 Cahera, Gallus, 340 Calais, staple at, 452 Calicut, 25 sqq. Caliphate, the, 91 Calixtus III, Pope (Alfonso Borgia), 69 sqq., 552, 688 Callistus, Andronicus, 543 Cam, Diego, 17 Cambi, Giovanni, 175 Cambray, League of, 131, 246, 266, 277, 319, 344, 456 Cambridge, the New Learning at, 580 Cameral Tribunal, the (Kammergericht), 304 sq. Camerarius (Joachim Kammermei'ster), 574 Campeggio, Cardinal, 489 Caiiale, Nicold da, 79 Cananor, 29 Canary Islands, 40 Candale, Sire de, 394 Cantacuzenus, Manuel (Ghin), 75 Cape of Good Hope, 17, 285 Cape St Catherine, 16 Cape St Vincent, 12 Cape Verde Islands, discovery of, 15 Capella, Martianus, 533 Capistrano, John of, 77 Capponi, Piero, 154, 172 Caramania, 81 sqq. Cardona, Kamon de, 137 sqq., 198, 249 Caribs, the, 38, 41 Carillo d' Aoufia, A., Archbp of Toledo, 355 Carmagnola (Francesco Bussone), 279 sq. Carpaccio, Vittore, 284 Carrara, Francesco, 258, 265 Carrara, Jacopo da, 262 Carrara, Marsilio da, 262 sqq. Carraresi, the, 265 Curlier, Jacques, 44 fl. At. U. I. Carvajal, Juan de, 69 Castiglione, Baldassare, 560 Castile, in the Middle Ages, 348; the Holy Brotherhood in, 352 sq. Castillo, Hernando del, 379 Castriotes, George: see Scanderbeg Catalonia, in the Middle Ages, 351 Catholic Church, the, 341; in America, 60 sq. Catholic Europe, chap, xvm, passim Catholic Kings, the, chap, xi, passim Caxton, William, 641 Cechs, the, 330 Cennini, Bernardo, 561 Cerdagne, recovery of, by Spain, 229, 362 Ceri, Renzo da, 134 Cerignola, capture of, 125 Cerretani, Bartolommeo, 147 Cerveira (chronicler), 16 Ceuta, capture of, 10 Chalcondylas, Demetrius, 543 Chaldiran, battle of, 90 Charles the Great, 9, 260 ; schools of, 535 Charles II, King of Naples, 108 Charles V, Emperor (Charles I, King of Spain), 46, 358, 368-77, 423, 477, 487, 490, 658, 685, 691 Charles V, King of France, 384, 389, 392, 398, 411, 657 Charles VI, King of France, 259, 384, 409, 414 Charles VII, King of France, 107, chap. xii, passim, 411, 413, 430, 636 Charles VIH, King of France, 86, 107 sqq., 152, 155, 170, 191, 228 sqq., 303, chap. XH, passim, 410, 445, 450, 467, 564, 672 Charles (the Little), Prince of Durazzo, 108 Chastelain, Georges, 415, 433 Chateaubriant, treaty of, 393 Cheke, Sir John, 580 sq. Chevalier, Etienne, 409 Chievres, see Croy Chioggia, war of, 258 Christ Church, Canterbury, library of, 589 Christian Benaissance, the, chap, xvu, passim Chrysoloras, Manuel, 541 sq. Cib6, Franceschetto, 110, 227, 233 Circles (Kreise) of Empire, 294, 320 sq. Cisneros, Ximenes de : see Ximenes, Cardinal Clarence, George, Duke of, 464 sq. Classical Renaissance, the, chap, xvi, passim Clement VH, Pope (Giulio de' Medici), 108, 250, 353 Clercq, Jacques du, 430, 433 Cleves, Adolf, Duke of, 424 Cleves, Philip, Duke of, 447 sqq. Clifford, Sir Robert, 468 Cloth industry, the, in Flanders and England, 429; in Florence, 512; in England, il>. Clugny, William de, 440, 441 Coblenz, Council of, 689 Cochin, destruction of, 30 61