Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/25

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Contents. xxi CHAPTER XVI. THE CIVIL WAR: III. (18641865.) By the late JOHN G. NICOLAY. PAGE Grant and Sherman 514 Grant at Washington. Position of the armies .... 515 Grant's plan of campaign 516 Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania . . . 517 Sheridan in command of the cavalry . .... 518 Cold Harbour. Grant's change of plan ..... 519 Lee's withdrawal. Sherman at Chattanooga .... 520 Sherman's march on Atlanta 521 Capture of Atlanta ; its results ....... 522 Sherman's plan. Thomas in Tennessee 523 Battle of Franklin 524 Battle of Nashville. Tennessee freed 525 Sherman's march through Georgia 526 Capture of Savannah ......... 527 Sherman's return march ........ 528 Burning of Columbia 529 Sherman's return. The Shenandoah Valley .... 530 Early threatens Washington, but retires ..... 531 Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley 532 Siege of Petersburg 533 Gradual weakening of the South ....... 534 Informal negotiations for peace 535 Failure of the negotiations. Lee's overtures .... 536 Lincoln with Grant at City Point 537 Grant's advance. Capture of Petersburg . . . . . 538 Richmond evacuated. Lee's retreat 539 Lee reaches Appomattox Court House 540 Lee's surrender. Flight of Jefferson Davis 541 Surrender of Johnston and Beauregard 542 Capture of Davis. Final surrenders . . . . . . 543 Lincoln at Richmond 544 Assassination of Lincoln . . 545 Funeral of Lincoln. Attack on Secretary Seward . . . 546 The work of Lincoln 547-8 CHAPTER XVII. NAVAL OPERATIONS OF THE CIVIL WAR. (18611865.) By H. W. WILSON. Naval power of the North 549 The two navies. The blockade 550 Effects of the blockade 551 Seizure or capture of Southern ports 552 Farragut at New Orleans 553 Farragut at Mobile Bay 554 Sinking of the Tecumseh', Farragut' s exploit .... 555