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758 The English Colonies to 1763. Hakluyt, R. Principal navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nation. London. 1589. New edition, 12 vols. Glasgow. 1904-5. Hariot, T. Narrative of First English Plantation of Virginia. London. 1588. Pinkerton, J. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Vols. xn, xm, xiv. London. 1808-14. Purchas, S., his Pilgrimes. 5 vols. London. 1625-6. Later Writers. Beazley, R. John and Sebastian Cabot. New York. 1898. Biddle, R. Memoir of Sebastian Cabot. London. 1831. Edwards, E. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. London. 1868. Harrisse, H. Discovery of North America by John Cabot. London. 1897. John Cabot, the Discoverer of North America, and Sebastian his Son. London. 1896. Hume, M. A. S. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. London. 1897. Payne, E. J. Voyages of Elizabethan Seamen to America. (Selections from Hakluyt, etc.) 2 vols. London. 1893. Tarbox, I. N. Sir Walter Raleigh and his Colony in America. (Prince Society.) Boston. 1884. (ii) MAINE. Documents. Publications of Maine Historical Society. 28 vols. Portland, Maine. 1822-1901. Later Writers. Baxter, J. P. Sir Ferdinando Gorges. (Prince Society.) 3 vols. Boston. 1890. Folsom, G. History of Saco and Biddeford. Saco. 1830. Williamson, W. D. History of Maine. 2 vols. Hallowell. 1832. (iii) NEW HAMPSHIRE. Documents. Dean, J. W. Capt. John Mason. (Prince Society.) Boston. 1897. Farmer, J. and Moore, J. B. Collections relating to New Hampshire. 2 vols. Concord. 1822. New Hampshire Historical Society Collections. 10 vols. Proceedings. 3 vols. Concord, N. H. 1824-97. New Hampshire Provincial Papers. 27 vols. Concord. 1867-96. Later Writers. Belknap, J. History of New Hampshire. 3 vols. Boston. 1784-92. M'Clintock, J. N. History of New Hampshire. Boston. 1889. (iv) MASSACHUSETTS. Documents. Boston Record Commissioners, Report of. Boston. 1876-1900. Hutchinson, T. Collections of Papers. 2 vols. (Prince Society.) Albany. 1865. Massachusetts H istorical Society Collections. 63 vols. Proceedings (to 1903). 36 vols. (The most important contents are specified under their respective heads.) Prince Society, Publications of the. Boston, 1858-1903. 20 vols. (Mostly specified elsewhere.)