Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/792

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760 The English Colonies to 1763. Later Writers. Brown, J. The Pilgrim Fathers of New England. New York. 1895. Goodwin, J. A. The Pilgrim Republic. Boston. 1888. (vi) RHODE ISLAND. Bibliography. Bartlett, J. R. Bibliography of Rhode Island. Providence. 1864. Documents. Bartlett, J. R. Records of Rhode Island. 10 vols. Providence. 1856-65. Original Authorities. Callender, J. Historical Discourse on the colony of Rhode Island. (In R. I. Historical Society Collections.) Narragansett Club Publications. 6 vols. Providence. 1865, etc. Rhode Island Historical Society Collections. 9 vols. Providence. 1827-97. Proceedings. 21 nos. Providence. 1872-92. Publications. 8 vols. Providence. 1893-1901. Rhode Island Historical Tracts. Providence. 1877, etc. (Publication in progress.) Later Writers. Arnold, S. G. History of Rhode Island. 2 vols. New York. 1859-60. Foster, W. E. Stephen Hopkins, a Rhode Island Statesman. Providence. 1884. Rickman, J. B. Rhode Island, its making and meaning. 2 vols. New York. 1902. (vii) CONNECTICUT AND NEW HAVEN. Document*. Hoadly, C. J. Records of the Colony of New Haven, 1638-63. 2 vols. Hartford. 1857-8. Trumbull, J. H. and Hoadly, C. J. Colonial Records of Connecticut. 15 vols. Hartford. 1850-90. Histories. Johnston, A. Connecticut (American Commonwealth Series.) Boston. 1887. Genesis of a New England State. (Johns Hopkins Series.) Baltimore. 1883. Levermore, C. H. The Republic of New Haven. (Johns Hopkins Series.) Baltimore. 1886. Trumbull, B. Complete History of Connecticut to 1764. 2 vols. New Haven. 1818. (viii) NEW YORK. Bibliography. Asher, G. M. Essay on the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New Netherlands. Documents. New York Historical Society's Collections. 30 vols. New York. 1804, etc. (Publication in progress.) O'Callaghan, E. B. and Fernow, B. Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York, collected by J. R. Brodhead. 15 vols. Albany. 1853-83. O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary History of New York. 4 vols. Albany. 1849-51. Pearson, J. Early Records of Albany. Albany. 1889.