Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/854

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822 Political Reconstruction. Gorham, G. C. Edwin M. Stanton. 2 vols. Boston. 1899. Hamilton, Gail (Dodge, M. A.). Biography of James G. Blaine. Norwich,, Conn. 1895. Hamlin, C. E. Life and Times of Hannibal Hamlin, 1809-91. Boston. 1899. Hart, A. B. Salmon P. Chase. Boston. 1899. Hollister, O. J. Life of Schuyler Colfax. New York. 1887. Johnston, R. M. and Browne, W. H. Life of Alexander H. Stephens. Philadelphia. 1878. Jones, Rev. J. S. Life of Andrew Johnson. Greeneville, Tenn. 1901. Julian, G. W. Political Recollections. Chicago. 1884. Lang, A. Life, Letters and Diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote. 2 vols. Edinburgh. 1890. Mayes, E. L. Q. C. Lamar, his Life, Times and Speeches, 1825-93. Nashville, Tenn. 1896. McCall, S. W. Thaddeus Stevens. Boston. 1899. McCulloch, H. Men and Measures of Half a Century. New York. 1888. Merriam, G. S. Life and Times of Samuel Bowles. 2 vols. New York. 1885. Morse, J. T. Abraham Lincoln. 2 vols. Boston. 1894. Nason, E. and Russell, T. Life and Public Services of Henry Wilson. Boston. 1872. Nicolay, J. G. and Hay, J. Abraham Lincoln, a History. 10 vols. New York. 1890. Pierce, E. L. Memoir and Letters of Charles Sumner. 4 vols. Boston. 1877-93. Poore, B. P. Perley's Reminiscences of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1886. Salter, W. Life of J. W. Grimes. New York. 1876. Schuckers, J. W. Life and Public Services of Salmon P. Chase. New York. 1874. Selborne, Earl of. Memorials, Personal and Political, 1865-95. Vol. HI. London. 1898. Seward, F. W. Seward at Washington as Senator and Secretary of State. New York. 1891. Sherman, J. Recollections of Forty Years. Chicago. 1895. Storey, M. Charles Sumner. Boston. 1900. Stovall, P. A. Robert Toombs, Statesman, Speaker, Soldier, Sage. New York. 1892. Vallandigham, J. L. Life of Clement L. Vallandigham. Baltimore. 1872. Warden, R. B. Account of the Private Life and Public Services of Salmon Portland Chase. Cincinnati. 1874.