Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/870

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838 Chronological Table. 1800 Congress meets at Washington. Jefferson elected President. 1802 United States at war with Tripoli. Ohio admitted. Peace of Amiens. 1803 Purchase of Louisiana from France. War renewed between France and Great Britain. 1804 Great Britain blockades Ports of Guadaloupe and Martinique. Blockade extended to Straits of Dover and English Channel. Jefferson re-elected President. Twelfth Amendment adopted. 1805 Admiralty decision against "broken" voyages. 1806 Non-importation Act signed by President. Napoleon issues Berlin Decree laying British Isles under blockade. 1807 Leopard and Chesapeake affair. Third Order in Council issued. Napoleon issues Milan Decree. Embargo Act passed by the U.S. Invention of the steamboat. 1808 Madison elected President. 1809 Embargo Act repealed and Non-Intercourse law enacted. 1810 Rambouillet Decree. Macon's Bill passed as a retaliatory measure. Revo- lutions in Venezuela, Paraguay, Mexico, etc. West Florida occupied. 1811 Affair of the Little Belt. Revolution in Peru. 1812 War with Great Britain. Recall of Orders in Council. Hull invades Canada. American naval successes. Madison re-elected President. Louisiana ad- mitted. 1813 Action of the Chesapeake and Shannon. 1814 Battle of Lundy's Lane. Capture of Washington. Peace of Ghent. 1815 British disaster at New Orleans. Second Peace of Paris. 1816 Monroe elected President. Buenos Ayres and Argentine Republic declared independent. Indiana admitted. 1817 Mississippi admitted. 1818 Independence of Chile proclaimed. Convention with Great Britain (Fisheries). Illinois admitted. 1819 Florida Boundary Treaty with Spain. Alabama admitted. 1820 The "Missouri Compromise." Missouri and Maine admitted. Monroe re-elected President. 1821 Independence of Peru proclaimed. 1822 Independence of Spanish South American Colonies recognised by United 1823 Enunciation of Monroe Doctrine. 1824 Protection Bill passed. John Quincy Adams elected President 1825 Erie Canal finished. National Republicans and Democratic Republicans so called. 1826 Murder of William Morgan. Rise of the "Anti-Masons" party. 1828 "Tariff of Abominations" passed. Calhoun's "South Carolina Exposition" published. Jackson elected President. 1829 "Walker's Appeal." Nat Turner's Insurrection. Abolitionist movement started by Garrison. 1830 Hayne and Webster debate. Nullification movement in S. Carolina. 1831 The Liberator founded by Garrison. Baltimore and Ohio Railway opened. 1832 South Carolina declares Tariff Acts null and void. Revenue Collection Bill or Force Act passed. Jackson re-elected President. 1833 Clay's Compromise Tariff Act passed. Jackson re-elected President. The "Pet Banks" and the surplus. American Anti-Slavery Society formed.