Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/887

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Index. 855 dispute with, 362 ; the revolution in (1820), 367; her war with the United States (1898), 678 sqq. Spaniards, the: their assault on Charles- ton, 37 ; their invasion of Georgia, 62, 63; their relations with the Bed In- dians, 99 Spanish-American war, the, 678 sqq. Spanish colonies, the, 102, 366 Spanish fleets, destruction of (1898), 679, 680 Specie : lack of, in the American colonies, 68; payment, resumption of, 643 Specie Eesumption Act (1875), the, 643 Speculation, railroad, 619; stock, 705 Spoliation Claims, the French, 323 Spotswood, Alexander, governor of Vir- ginia, 10 Spotsylvania, battle of, 517 sq. "Squatter sovereignty," 398, 427 St Augustine (in Florida), sieges of, 37, 62 St Castein, Baron de, 89, 111 St Charles, river, 137, 138 St Christopher, Company of, 78 St Domingo, the Company of, 91 St Domingo, trade of, 96, 104; royal printing-house in, 103 St Foy, battle of, 142 St Germain, peace of (1632), 74 St Ignace, the Mission, 84 St Kitt's, 74 St Lawrence, river, 71, 137, 138 St Leger, Colonel, 215 St Louis, convention at (1896), 672 St Mary's (Md.), capture of, 33 St Sauveur, destruction of, 72 St Simon's Island, English and foreign settlements on, 62 Stamp Act Congress, the, 182, 184 Stamp Act, the, 148-50, 186 Standard, gold, preservation of the, 674 Stanley, Lord, 636 Stanton, Edwin M., 472 sq. State, Council of, 241 sq. State rights, chap, xm, passim Staten Island, 48 States General, the, 13 Steamboats, the first, 351 Stedman, Charles (military historian), 218 Steel, production of, 714; exports and imports, 715 sq. Stephens, Alexander H., Confederate Vice- President, 536, 576, 604 Stith's history of Virginia, its style, 60 Stone, Captain, murder of, 19 Stone, William, governor of Maryland, 33 Stony Point (on the Hudson), capture of, 220 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, her Uncle Tom's Cabin, 440, 716 Strikes, American, 707 Stuart, Charles Edward (the Pretender), 116 Stuart, Colonel, 230 Stuart, General, 478, 619 Stuyvesant, Peter, governor of New Nether- lands, 22, 39, 40 Suffolk (in Massachusetts), public meeting at (1774), 161 Suffrage: rule of, in the House of Repre- sentatives, 255-9 ; in the Senate, 259-64 ; manhood, 360, 374, 421 ; negro, 629, 640 Sugar islands, the French, 95; the Code Noir in, 101 Sullivan's Island, British bombardment of. 173 Sumner, Charles, 429, 430, 636 Sumner, General, 476 Surinam, exchange of, 80 Sutter, J. A., his discovery of gold in California, 400 Sweden, her colony on the Delaware, 40 Talbot, Lord, 179 Talleyrand, Prince de, 321, 324 Talon, Canadian Intendant, 80-5 Tamasese, King of Samoa, 662 Taney, Roger B., 383, 435, 575 Tar, export of, 56 Tariff, the American, 376, 382, 650, 656, 659 sq., 664, 669, 674, 699 "Tariff of Abominations," the, 377 Tarleton, Colonel, 224, 225, 227 Taxation : English colonial, 49, 66, 147 sqq., 152, 182, 198 sq. ; Whig view of, 202 sq. ; French colonial, 87, 91, 107; power of Congress to impose, refused, 309; of exports, debate on, 278-80 Taxes, Confederate, 614 Taylor, General Richard, 543 Taylor, General Zachary, President of United States, 394 sqq., 416 Tea-duties, Townshend's, 152; repeal of, 155; Lord North's, 157 sq. Tea riot, the Boston, 158 sq. Tecumseh, sinking of the, 555 Tecumthe (Shawnee chief), British ally, 337; his death, 341 Temple, Sir Thomas, 75, 111 Tenants and owners, 713 Tennessee, settlement of, 357; defence of, 523-6 Tennessee, the, capture of, 555 sq. Tenure of Office Act (1866), the, 630 Territories, the (Delaware), 50, 51 Texas, 406, 446; annexation of, 392-4 Texas v. White, 634 Thacher (American lawyer), 179, 185, 195 Thames river, British defeat on the, 341 Thirteenth Amendment, the, to the Con- stitution, 599 sq. Thomas, General George H., 463, 510, 512, 523-6 Thompson, David, 21 Thoreau, Henry David, 745 Thornton, Colonel, 346 Three Rivers (in Canada), 76 Ticknor, George, 745 Tioonderoga, British attack on, 134, 135;