Page:Camperdown - Griffith - 1836.djvu/145

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immediately to the table to answer it; and when it was finished, and sealed, she called me to her. 'Martha,' said she, again blushing up to the temples, 'do you know the person who wrote this letter?' I told her that I did. 'And can you get this conveyed to the gentleman soon?' I looked at her in surprise; I found she did not know how near you were to her. 'O yes,' said I, 'he shall get it in less than ten minutes, for my dear young lady, he is at our house.' This threw her in a great flutter and she smiled, I suspect for the first time in a year; for the neighbours say, and they had it from the servants, that both the old man and the young one have been almost cruel to her, because she would not consent to the marriage. Well, I left her happy enough I dare say, and now what is best to be done; for old Mr. Bewcastle will be on the look-out now, and who knows what he may do next?"

I was not slow in deciding on what was best to be done; it was now three o'clock, and I despatched Mr. Porter to a clergyman living about six miles from us, requesting his attendance the next morning at eleven o'clock. Martha went to a jeweller's in the village, and brought home several gold rings, going with them to my dear angel, and carrying also a letter, wherein I detailed all our plans. All that a tender love, all that a devoted, honest heart could dictate, was strongly urged, to reconcile her to this precipitous step, and I had the happiness to learn that she gave herself up wholly to my wishes. I arranged every thing as well as the short time would allow, and aunt Martha was not idle; she spent the evening with the dear young lady, packing up and preparing for her departure, observing the utmost caution lest they might be suspected. I knew that her uncle had no right to detain her, for she was of age, and of course her own mistress; but we both thought it better to pre-