Page:Camperdown - Griffith - 1836.djvu/184

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a quart of strawberries every day; and did I not get eighteen pence for every quart, without stirring away from the door to sell them? And how much, dear, did you get from your little row of raspberries?" Norah said it was thirteen shillings. "Well, we made clear money, besides helping ourselves to as much as we wanted for our own eating, just fourteen dollars; it paid our rent and two dollars over; so it was no more than right that Norah, the little dear, should get the two dollars to herself; the very frock and shoes she has on, can show it."

Mr. Price kissed the little girl, whose sparkling eye showed how deeply she was interested in her grandmother's story—he asked if all the shanties had gardens attached to them, and whether the children assisted their parents in working them.

"Oh, no, poor things," said the old lady, "they would work, even lazy Jemmy's children would work if they were encouraged. But see how it is, your honour. When I came here nine years ago, Norah was just two months' old—this shanty was knocked up quickly for me; and it had never a floor even till the winter came. There were then no other shanties near, and as I had paid for the building of the house and for the fence around the garden, I by degrees, got very comfortable. Before I built the chimney, sashed the window, and made the floor, it was bad enough; but I had not enough money at the time, and it was only by working early and late, and my poor dear daughter helped too, that I got all these things done, and proud enough I was to show people how much a lone woman could do. There's many a woman here, your honour, in these shanties, that could do very well if their husbands would let them, but a poor woman has no chance at all. Here is Biddy Brady, my next neighbour, she has seven children, from ten years down to that little wee thing yonder, that has just now been taken out for the