Page:Canadian Alpine Journal I, 2.djvu/220

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Canadian Alpine Journal


From 1st July, 1907, to 22nd May, 1908.


Balance on Hand 1st July, 1907 $ 304.08
Associate Members' fees 150.00
Active Members' fees 655.00
Graduating Members' fees 122.50
Subscribing Members' fees 6.00
Life Members' fees 50.00
Proceeds from Camp in Paradise Valley, 1907 163.35
Bank interest 7.27
Total $1458.29


Printing, Stationery, etc. $ 139.01
Typewriting assistance 87.50
Books for Library 59.08
Postage, Express and Exchange 58.12
Grant to President on account of his expenses to Alpine Club Jubilee in London 200.00
Printing and distributing of Journal for 1907 over sales and previous payment 346.37
Priming and distributing Alpine Herald 25.94
Total $ 916.02
Balance on hand $ 542.18
Winnipeg, 23rd May, 1908.

D. H. Laird, Treasurer.