Page:Canadian Singers and Their Songs.djvu/127

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The Reckoning

Ye who would reckon with England—
Ye who would sweep the seas
Of the flag that Rodney nailed aloft
And Nelson flung in the breeze—

Weigh well your metal and valour,
Count well your ships and your guns,
For they who reckon with England
Must reckon with England's sons.

Ye who would hurl to warfare
You hordes of bullies and slaves
To crush the pride of an empire
And sink its fame in the waves,
Count well your ships and battalions
Count well your horse and your gun,
For they who reckon with England
Must reckon with England's sons.

Ye who would reckon with England!
Ye who would break the might
Of the little isle in the foggy sea
And the lion-heart in the fight!—

Weight well your metal and valour,
Count well your ships and guns,
For they who make war with England
Make war on a mother's sons!

Theodore Goodrich Roberts.