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the assembly. Many veterans ot the war, too, were there to pay a last tribute to the memory of the brave officer under whom they had marched in years long past The speakers included many of the leading citizens of Canada, conspicuous among whom were the late Sir Allan MacNabb and Chief Justice Robinson. On the same day a meeting for a similar purpose was held at Montreal, and was also largely attended. By virtue of resolutions passed on that day, a Committee was appointed to carry out the project for which the meeting had been convoked. The Committee proceeded to collect subscriptions, and the new monument, due in great measure to their exertions, is a much more splendid and costly edifice than was its predecessor. It was built by voluntary subscriptions of the militia and of the Indians of Canada, supplemented by a Parliamentary grant for the laying out of the adjacent grounds. The monument was designed by Mr. W. Thomas, architect, of Toronto, and the building contract was awarded to the late Mr. J. Worthington, also of Toronto. On the l3th October, 1853, the foundation stone was laid, and the remains of the two warriors were once more re-interred. The monument, 185 feet in height, and composed of limestone quarried in the neighbourhood, was subsequently completed, and was inaugurated in 1859. Its form is that of a fluted column, standing upon a massive pedestal, and surmounted by a Corinthian capital, upon which stands a colossal statue of General Brock. The north side of the basement contains the following inscription:—

"UPPER CANADA has dedicated this monument to the memory of the late MAJOR-GENERAL. SIR ISAAC BROCK, K.B., Provisional Lieutenant-Governor and Commander of the Forces in this Province, whose remains are deposited in the vault beneath. Opposing the invading enemy, he fell in action near these Heights on the l3th of October, 1812, in the forty-third [Footnote: This inscription is not quite accurate. General Brock had completed his forty-third year on the 8th of October, exactly one week before his death.] year of his age, revered and lamented by the people whom he governed, and deplored by the Soveregn to whose service his life had been devoted."

The portrait which accompanies this sketch is engraved from a miniature procured from Sir Isaac's relatives in Guernsey by Dr. Hodgins, Deputy Minister of Education for Ontario. The miniature so obtained has been copied under the direction of the Education Department, and the copy now adorns the ceiling of one of the rooms in the educational museum.