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tors of stationary waves – preferably of different length – were installed in judiciously selected localities, the entire globe could be sub-divided in definite zones of electric activity and such and other important data could be at once obtained by simple calculation or readings from suitable graduated instruments.

The specific plan of producing the stationary waves, herein described, might be departed from. For example, the circuit which impresses the powerful oscillations upon the earth might be connected to the latter at two points.

In collecting the energy of these disturbances in any terrestrial region at a distance from their source, for any purpose and, more especially, in appreciable amounts, the most economical results will be generally secured by the employment of my synchronized receiving transformer. This invention, forming part of my system of transmission of energy through the natural media, has been fully explained in the patents first cited here, but for the better understanding of the present description it is diagrammatically illustrated in Fig. 3. Its most essential part is a circuit E1 C1 D1 which is connected, arranged and adjusted similarly to the transmitting circuit E C D and which is inductively linked with a secondary circuit A1. The latter, it scarcely need be stated, may be wound with any desired number of turns, such as will be best suited for the operation of the device designated by M. The receiving transformer is closely attuned to the oscillations of the conductor E1 C1 D1 the points of maximum potential coincide with the elevated terminal D1 under which conditions the greatest amount of wave energy may be collected and rendered available in the secondary circuit A1