Page:Canadian poems of the great war.djvu/129

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Agnes Maule Machar

Wave the Red Cross flag again, True in peace and leal in war, Britain s strength is Freedom s star, Guiding, drawing, from afar, True hearts of British men !

Far o er the blue Pacific speeds the message to the free, Where Australasia s isles are set in spheres of silver sea , The sun-baked Veldt its echoes hears, beneath its tropic

sky, And the strong chord of kingship wakes, and swiftly

makes reply, And India s dusky sons arise, and with their Eastern

grace, Give generous answer to the pride that scorned their

ancient race.

Rally round the flag again, Loyal hearts of free-born men ! East and West together stand, Round the Empire s motherland ! Ready to her beckoning hand, Rise hearts of British men !

One dared and tried this venture, proud Kaiser, long ago, Who thought to crush our Britain, with one sharp, sudden


He trusted to his legions, her undefended coast, She stood, alone and undismayed, before his mighty host, Till Freedom s spirit rose in wrath, and hurled him from

his place,

And what has been may be again, by God s over-ruling grace.

What has been shall be again ;

He controls the schemes of men !

The Lord of Hosts is with us yet,

Teaching us Lest we forget

The world-wide service He hath set

For hearts of British men.

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