Page:Canadian poems of the great war.djvu/158

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��J. Lewis Milligan

An English poet of repute ivho won in 1910 at the University of Liverpool, the Hemans Prize for Lyrical Poetry. Author of Songs in Time s Despite a collection of his poems, issued in 1910. A native of Liverpool, England, of Scotch-Irish and Welsh parentage. Came to Canada in 1911. For a time, editor of the Peterborough Review; but for the last five years a member of the Globe staff, Toronto. They Shall Return has been set to music by John W. Worth of New York.


HITE hangs the mist along the black ravine, The breathing blossoms languish on the night, Soft music steals from ivied casements bright,

Kindling the stars beyond the leafy screen :

With virgin grief she contemplates the scene, Where late she tasted love s supreme delight With him who now lies fallen in the fight,

Far off in Flanders ocean wastes between.

They shall not walk again the fragrant ways, In spring or summer or mid autumn leaves,

Low listening to his whispered words of praise; His kisses now are memory s make-believes : A singer s voice floats from the latticed eaves,

The passionate stars above the elm tree blaze.



HESE mouths which roared are silent ; and these woods Which echoed with the cannon s angry voice Are hushed in vernal and melodious peace. Tranquillity triumphant! Who would dream That Canada e er knew the clash of arms,

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