Page:Canadian poems of the great war.djvu/254

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Albert Durrani Watson



��ELGIUM, thy name great glory hath; When Might to baseness stooped, thy wrath Withstood him in the battle-path.

The towers that might have been thy trust They burned and razed and beat to dust Still wast thou valiant and august.

We treasure all thy deathless tears;

No quenching through the endless years

Thy silent, solemn grandeur fears.

On every sea, on every strand,

Thy name for faithfulness shall stand,

Belgium, the brave, immortal land!

The everlasting years shall ring,

While sun shall shine or heart shall sing,

With fame of Albert, Belgium s king.



OES the Mother of Nations draw the sword To rescue her children oppressed?

They have all that the richest lands afford;

They sit content at an ample board As safe as a bird in its nest.

Has she laid her spear on the shield of Mars

New lands in the wars to gain? Her dominions extend wherever the stars Are blushing with shame for our foolish wars;

Her ships are on every main.

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