Page:Canadian poems of the great war.djvu/258

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Albert Durrani Watson

And faith beholds blue skies of freedom bending- Up, People ! Do your part.

Lift every voice for world-emancipation;

Give Wisdom, Love and Service fullest power ; Rouse, rouse, ye people to the consummation

Of this your dawning hour !



FTER the storm a calm

That startles the blue to surprise,

And lustres the path

Where earth lies

All spent by the hurricane s wrath.

After the day of toil

The hush of the cool summer eve,

The purple-dyed west,

And the weave

Of beautiful things sun-caressed.

After the dark, the morn

Dims softly each radiant star,

Till the blush of its ray

Hides afar

In the heart of the conquering day.

After the fight is o er,

And the tumult of conflict is past,

From a whirlwind of dust

Shall a vast

Dawn break to an infinite trust.

And the war shall be nothing at last But a glistening tear, love-impearled, By sorrow and sacrifice left On the sunlit face of the world.

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