Page:Canadian poems of the great war.djvu/263

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A Song of the Prairie Land

and Other Poems


Wilson MacDonald

��WILSON MacDONALD reaches deep into the human heart. He is like Thomas Hood in that respect, and he is as great a lyric artist, and, it may yet prove, as humorous.

Still more he reminds me, not by imitation, or reminiscence, but by common sympathies, of Keats and Shelley, of Wordsworth and Lanier, and of Sydney Dobell and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Wilson MacDonald has thought profoundly, observed keenly, and has given Canada what no other poet has done in being utterly and entirely Canadian, and the spirit of his poetry is a proph ecy of the extent and future of Canadianism. We shall read these poems and say, not only is this what in Canada has been, but what in Canada shall be.

From Introduction.

McClelland & Stewart

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