Page:Canadian poems of the great war.djvu/54

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Helena Coleman

Helena Coleman Are there young hearts in France recalling

These dream-filled, blue Canadian days,

When gold and scarlet flames are falling

From beech and maple set ablaze?

And do their exiled hearts beat faster Roaming in thought their native sod?

Dream they of Canada crowned and golden,

Flushed with her Autumn diadem?

In years to come when time is olden,

Canada's dream shall be of them-

Shall be of them who gave for others

The ardour of their radiant years;—

Your name in Canada's heart, my brothers,

Shall be remembered long with tears!

We give you vision back for vision,

Forgetting not the price you paid,

O bearers of the world's decision,

On whom the nations' debt was laid!

No heart can view these highways glowing

With gold transmuted from the clod,

But crowns your glorious manhood, knowing

You gave us back our faith in God.


OH; not when April wakes the daffodils,

And bob-o-links o'er misty meadows ring

Their fluted bells, and orchards fleeced with Spring, Go climbing up to crown the radiant hills; Not when the budding balm-o'-gilead spills Its spices on the air, and lilacs bring The drains mp and eery enchantment fills!