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information for his/her investigation that he/she nearly “came over the table” at CIA officials at a meeting with the FBI’s counter terrorism squad prior to 9/11.

CS-5 stated that the CIA’s reluctance to give information to the FBI regarding the San Diego hijackers “didn’t make sense” to many agents assigned to the New York Field Office’s counter terrorism squad. This reluctance has led CS-5 to conclude that the CIA was running an intelligence operation targeting Al-Qaeda that somehow involved Al-Hazmi and Al-Mihdhar. CS-5 stated that he/she believed the CIA’s operation may have spun out of control and that “they (the CIA)” came to the FBI with limited information in an attempt to locate the hijackers without revealing the true nature or extent of their operation against Al-Qaeda.

During August of 2016, I interviewed a source of information whose identity is known to me. The source of information is herein referred to as CS-7. CS-7 stated that he/she has been an investigative journalist for over 20 years. CS-7 recalled that he/she has worked for the CNN special assignment unit nominated for the Pulitzer Prize numerous times in the past. CS-7’s knowledge is based on interviews with Confidential Sources in the law enforcement and intelligence communities.

CS-7 recalled that, according to sources he/she has developed, the Central Intelligence Agency has maintained a close, covert relationship with the Saudi General Intelligence Directorate for some years. CS-7 stated that the Saudi GID has worked as the CIA’s proxy several times in the past when it was unwise or not practical for the CIA to undertake an operation directly.

CS-7 stated that following 9/11, an FBI agent came to his/her office to interview him/her about the events of 9/11. CS-7 stated that the agent left a file in his/her office (seemingly inadvertently, but possibly on purpose) regarding the Bin Laden family and its ties to international terrorism and the Saudi government. CS-7 stated that the file outlined investigative steps being undertaken by the FBI following 9/11 to document the relationship between the Saudi government and Al-Qaeda. CS-7 stated that the FBI’s investigation was ultimately stopped by the Bush Administration.

CS-7 recalled that a group known as the “Safari Club” was used to block Soviet influence in the Middle East by exchanging intelligence between member nations and by engaging in covert action. CS-7 stated that the club included the governments of Israel, Saudi Arabia and other states in the Middle East and North Africa region. CS-7 stated that the club used the Bank of Credit and Commerce International as a conduit for funding. CS-7 stated that the club operated in the 1970s and 1980s. According to CS-7, the existence of the Safari Club was revealed by Prince Turki in a speech at Georgetown University in October of 2001. CS-7 stated that the Safari Club worked as a proxy for the CIA in areas where the CIA could not operate.

CS-7 told me that Osama Bassan was an informant for the Saudi General Intelligence Directorate. According to CS-7, investigation by the FBI immediately following the 9/11 attacks showed that Bassan was associated with Al-Hazmi and Al-Mihdhar.