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ought to be present thereat, shall be by all means bound to assemble, those excepted who would have to cross the sea at their imminent peril. Nor shall the bishops of the province for the future be compelled, under the pretext of anycustom soever, to repair to the metropolitan church against their will. Those bishops, likewise, who are not subject to any archbishop, shall once for all choose some neighbouring metropolitan, at whose provincial synod they shall be bound to be present with the other [bishops], and shall observe, and cause to be observed, whatsoever shall be ordained therein. In all other matters, their exemption and privileges shall remain whole and entire.

Diocesan synods also shall be celebrated every year; to which all, even those who are exempted, but who otherwise, that exemption ceasing, ought to attend, and who are not subject to general chapters, shall be bound to come; it being understood however that, in the case of parochial, or other secular churches, even though annexed, those who have charge thereof, whosoever they may be, must needs be present at the said synod. But if any, whether metropolitans or bishops, or the others above mentioned, shall be negligent in these matters, they shall incur the penalties ratified by the sacred canons.


In what Manner Visitation is to be made by Prelates.

Patriarchs, primates, metropolitans, and bishops shall not omit to visit their own respective dioceses, either personally, or, if they be lawfully hindered, by their vicar-general, or visitor; if they shall not be able to visit the whole annually, on account of its extent, they shall visit at least the greater part thereof, so that the whole shall be completed in two years, either by themselves, or by their visitors. Metropolitans, however, even after having completely visited their own proper diocese, shall not visit the cathedral churches, or the dioceses of the bishops of their province, except for a cause known and approved of in the provincial council. But archdeacons, deans, and other inferiors, shall henceforth visit those churches, in which they have been hitherto accustomed lawfully to exercise visitations; but by themselves only, with the consent of the bishop, and assisted by a notary.