Page:Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent Buckley.djvu/261

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hereafter become vacant, they shall be conferred solely on regulars of ascertained virtue and holiness. But as regards those monasteries which are the heads and chiefs of orders, whether the filiations of their heads be called abbeys or priories,[1] those who at present hold them in commendam shall be bound, unless provision be made for a regular successor thereunto, either to make, within six months, a solemn profession of the religious life peculiar to the said orders, or to resign them; otherwise the aforesaid places held in commendam shall be accounted by the very fact vacant. But, lest any fraud may be used as regards all and each of the aforesaid matters, the holy synod commands, that in the appointments to the said monasteries, the quality of each individual be specifically expressed; and any appointment made otherwise shall be accounted surreptitious, and shall not be rendered valid by any subsequent possession, even though for the term of three years.


The Decrees touching the Reformation of Regulars shall be carried into execution without delay.'

The holy synod enjoins, that all and each of the matters contained in the above decrees be observed in all convents and monasteries, colleges and houses of all monks and regulars soever, as also of all religious virgins and widows soever, even though they live under the conduct of the military orders, of the order even [of St. John] of Jerusalem, by what name soever they may be designated, under what rule or constitutions soever they may be, or under the charge or government of, or in subjection to, connection with, or dependence on, any order soever, whether of mendicants or not mendicants, or of other regular monks, or canons of what kind soever: any privileges soever of all and each of the above named, under what form of words soever expressed, even those called mare magnum, even those obtained at their foundation, as also any constitutions and rules soever, even though sworn to, and also any customs or prescriptions soever, even though immemorial, notwith-

  1. Sive abbatiæ give prioratus filiæ illorum capitum nuncupantur.