Page:Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent Buckley.djvu/300

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ticular joy, who, when thou hadst laid the first stone for this most famous edifice twenty years ago, dost now, after many other architects have given their efforts to this work, happily, in thy supreme and almost divine wisdom, put the last stroke to this work. This great and peculiar deed of thine will be celebrated by the perpetual discourse of all, nor will any age ever be silent concerning these thy praises. What shall I say concerning you, most holy fathers, how well, by these most surpassing deeds, ye have deserved of the Christian republic? How great will be the commendation attached to the name of each of you, how great glory will be awarded you by the whole Christian people! All will acknowledge and celebrate you as truly fathers, truly pastors; to you will every man most willingly refer the life and salvation received. O day most pleasant and joyous for our people, on which it shall befall them first to again behold us, and embrace us on our return from building up the temple of the Lord!

But, O thou Lord our God, grant that we, by great deeds, may answer to so excellent on opinion concerning us, and that this seed, which thou hast sown in thy field, may bring forth abundant fruit, and that thy word may flow like dew; and, that that which thou hast sometime promised should be, may take place in our times, that there be one fold, and one shepherd over all, and that he may most especially be Pius IV., unto the everlasting glory of thy name. Amen.


We, Alessandro di Farnese, cardinal-deacon of Saint Lawrence in Damaso, vice-chancellor of the holy Roman Church, do certify and attest, that, on this day, being Wednesday, the twenty-sixth of January, 1564, in the fifth year of the pontificate of our most holy lord Pius IV., by the providence of God, Pope, the most reverend my lords the Cardinals Morone and Simonetta, lately returned from the sacred Council of Trent, whereat they had presided as legates of the Apostolic See, did, in a secret consistory, held at St. Peter's, petition our said most holy lord as follows:

Most blessed Father; in a decree concerning the closing of