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ease of persons to be promoted, but also regarding those who have been already promoted.

Alexander III. in the Council of Lateran.

From Book III. of the Decretals, tit. IV, of Non-resident Clergy, cap, 3.

(Sess. vii. de ref. cap. 8.)

Because some, setting no limits to their avarice, endeavour to obtain different ecclesiastical dignities, and several parish churches contrary to the institutes of the sacred canons, so that, whilst they scarcely suffice to discharge one office, they claim to themselves the emoluments of very many; we strictly forbid that that be done for the future, when, thererore, a church or an ecclesiastical office has to be disposed of, let such a person be sought for as will be able to reside on the spot, and to take the charge of it on himself. But if the matter should be otherwise, both let him who has received what he has accepted in violation of the sacred canons lose it, and let him who has conferred it, be deprived of the power of giving.

Alexander III.

From Book III, Decret, tit. XLVIII. on the Building or Repairing of Churches.

(Sess. xxi. de reform, cap. 4.)

Know that it has reached our ears that the demesne which is called H, is represented as being so far distant from the Parish church, that, in the winter season, when the rains fall heavily, the parishioners cannot approach it without great difficulty; in consequence, they are not able to be present at their ecclesiastical duties at the proper time. Because, therefore, the aforesaid church is said to abound so greatly in revenues, that, besides the proceeds of that demesne, the minister of it is well able to have support, we command, that if matters are so, you build there a church, and place a priest therein, the obstacle of appeal being taken away, at the presentation of the rector of the greater church, with the canonical assent of the founder, which priest is to receive the ecclesiastical proceeds of the same demesne for his own support; taking care, however, that due honour in it be reserved for the mother church, according to the