Page:Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent Buckley.djvu/91

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When a See is Vacant, Chapters shall not grant "Reverends" to any one, unless straitened because of a Benefice obtained, or about to be obtained: various Penalties on Contraveners.

It shall not be lawful for chapters of churches, when a see is vacant, to grant, whether by ordinance of common law, or by virtue of any privilege or custom soever, a license for ordination, or letters dimissory, or "reverend," as some call them, within a year from the day of that vacancy, to any one who is not straitened,[1] by occasion of some ecclesiastical benefice received, or about to be received. If it shall be otherwise, the contravening chapter shall be subjected to an ecclesiastical interdict ; and the persons so ordained, if they have been constituted in minor orders, shall enjoy no clerical privilege, especially in criminal causes. But those constituted in the greater orders shall be, by the fact itself, suspended from the exercise thereof, according to the pleasure of the next prelate.


Faculties for Promotion shall not, without a Just Cause, avail any one.

Faculties, for being promoted by any one soever, shall be of no avail but to those who have a lawful cause, why they cannot be ordained by their own bishops, which is to De expressed in their letters; and even then they shall not be ordained but by a bishop residing in his own diocese, Or by him who exercises the pontifical functions for him, and after a previous careful examination.


Faculty for not being promoted shall not exceed a Year, Faculties granted for not' being promoted shall avail only for a year, except in the cases expressly mentioned by law.

  1. Arctatus, "pressed for time."