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sary and sufficient condition for the equality of their cardinal numbers.

[483] In fact, according to the above definition of power, the cardinal number remains unaltered if in the place of each of one or many or even all elements of other things are substituted. If, now, , there is a law of co-ordination by means of which and are uniquely and reciprocally referred to one another; and by it to the element of corresponds the element of . Then we can imagine, in the place of every element of , the corresponding element of substituted, and, in this way, transforms into without alteration of cardinal number. Consequently


The converse of the theorem results from the remark that between the elements of and the different units of its cardinal number a reciprocally univocal (or bi-univocal) relation of correspondence subsists. For, as we saw, grows, so to speak, out of in such a way that from every element of a special unit of arises. Thus we can say that


In the same way . If then , we have, by (6), .

We will mention the following theorem, which results immediately from the conception of equival-