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in (a) and (b) the parts played by and are interchanged, two conditions arise which are contradictory to the former ones.

We express the relation of to characterized by (a) and (b) by saying: is "less" than or is "greater" than ; in signs


We can easily prove that,

if and , then we always have .

Similarly, from the definition, it follows at once that, if is part of an aggregate , from follows and from follows .

We have seen that, of the three relations

, , ,

each one excludes the two others. On the other hand, the theorem that, with any two cardinal numbers and , one of those three relations must necessarily be realized, is by no means self-evident and can hardly be proved at this stage.

Not until later, when we shall have gained a survey over the ascending sequence of the transfinite cardinal numbers and an insight into their connexion, will result the truth of the theorem:

A. If and are any two cardinal numbers, then either or or .

From this theorem the following theorems, of which, however, we will here make no use, can be very simply derived: