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number of is equal to one of the preceding numbers .

Proof of D. Suppose that the aggregate is equivalent to one of its parts which we will call . Then two cases, both of which lead to a contradiction, are to be distinguished:

(a) The aggregate contains as element; let ; then is a part of because is a part of . As we saw in § 1, the law of correspondence of the two equivalent aggregates and can be so modified that the element of the one corresponds to the same element of the other; by that, then, and are referred reciprocally and univocally to one another. But this contradicts the supposition that is not equivalent to its part .

(b) The part of does not contain as element, so that is either or a part of . In the law of correspondence between and , which lies at the basis of our supposition, to the element of the former let the element of the latter correspond. Let ; then the aggregate is put in a reciprocally univocal relation with . But is a part of and hence of . So here too would be equivalent to one of its parts, and this is contrary to the supposition.

Proof of E.—We will suppose the correctness of the theorem up to a certain and then conclude its validity for the number which immediately follows, in the following manner:—We start from the aggregate as an aggregate