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are not equivalent, and accordingly their cardinal numbers and are not equal.

Proof of B.—If of the two finite cardinal numbers and the first is the earlier and the second the later, then . For consider the two aggregates and ; for them each of the two conditions in § 2 for is fulfilled. The condition (a) is fulfilled because, by theorem E, a part of can only have one of the cardinal numbers , and therefore, by theorem A, cannot be equivalent to the aggregate . The condition (b) is fulfilled because itself is a part of .

Proof of C.— Let be a cardinal number which is less than . Because of the condition (b) of §2, there is a part of with the cardinal number . By theorem E, a part of can only have one of the cardinal numbers . Thus is equal to one of the cardinal numbers . By theorem B, none of these is greater than . Consequently there is no cardinal number which is less than and greater than .

Of importance for what follows is the following theorem:

F. If is any aggregate of different finite cardinal numbers, there is one, , amongst them which is smaller than the rest, and therefore the smallest of all.

[492] Proof—The aggregate either contains