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List of Books Published by

LEWIS'S (Dr. Dio) The New Gymnastics for Men, Women, and Children. With 300 Illustrations. 1 vol. 12mo. $ 1.50. Weak Lungs, and How to Make them Strong ; Or, Diseases of the Organs of the Chest, with their Home-Treatment by the Movement-Cure. Profusely Illustrated. 1 vol. 12mo. $ 1.50. LILIAN. A Eomance. 1 vol. 16mo. $ 1.25. LITTLE ANNA: A Story for Pleasant Little Children. By A. Stein. Translated from the German. 1 vol. Illustrated $ 1.00. LOCKHART'S (J. G.) Ancient Spanish Ballads, Historical and Romantic. With Biographical Notice and Portrait. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00. LONGFELLOW'S (H. W.) Poems. With Portrait. 2 vols. 16mo. $ 3.00. . Poetical Works. Complete. With Por- trait. Cabinet Edition. 2 vols. 16mo. $4.00. Prose Works. Complete. With Por- trait. Cabinet Edition. 2 vols. 16mo. $4.00. Poetical Works. Complete. With Por- trait. Blue and gold Edition. 2 vols. 32mo. $3.00. . — .** Prose Works. Complete. With Por- trait. Blue and gold Edition. 2 vols. 32mo. $3.00. — The Wayside Inn, and other Poems. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth, bevelled boards and gilt top, $ 1.50. The Courtship of Miles Standish. 1 vol. $1.25. The Song of Hiawatha. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.50. Large Paper, $2.50. The Golden Legend. 1 vol. 16mo. $ 1.50. Evangeline. 1vol. 16mo. $ 1.00. , Hyperion. 1vol. 16mo. $1.50. Outre-Mer. 1vol. 16mo. $1.50. Kavanagh. 1vol. 16mo. $1.25. The Seaside and the Fireside. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00. LONGFELLOW'S (Rev. Samuel) and Johnson's (Rev. Samuel) A Book of Hymns, for Public and Private Devotion. 1 vol. 16mo. $ 1.00. Hymns of the Spirit. 1 vol. 16mo. $ 1.25. and Higginson's (T. W.) Thalatta A Book for the Seaside. 1 vol. 16mo. $ 1.00. LOWELL'S (Rev. Dr. Charles) Sermons, Chiefly Prac- tical. 1 vol. 12mo. $ 1.50. Occasional Sermons. With Portrait. 1 vol. 12mo. $ 1.50.