Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/204

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Cook's Journal.—First Voyage.
[Oct. 1769.

likewise saw several pieces of Sea Weed. Wind South Easterly; course N. 87½ W.; distance 90 m.; lat. 38° 26′ S., long. 172° 20′ W.

Sunday, October 1st.—Little Wind in the day time and Calm in the Night. At 8 a.m. sounded: no ground with 120 fathoms of line. Saw an immence number of Birds, the most of them were Doves; saw likewise a Seal aSleep upon the Water, which we at first took for a Crooked billet. These creatures, as they lay upon the Water, hold their fins up in a very odd manner, and very different to any I have seen before; we generally reckon that seals never go out of Soundings or far from Land, but the few we have seen in this Sea is certainly an exception to that rule. However, one would think that we were not far from some land, from the Pieces of Rock weed we see daily floating upon the Water. To-day we took up a small Piece of Stick, but to all appearance it had been a long time at Sea. The observ'd Latitude is considerable to the Northward of that given by the Log, in so much that I think there must be some Current seting from the Southward. Wind South to W. by N.; course N. 16° W.; distance 43 m.; lat. 37° 45′ S., long. 172° 36′ W.

Monday, 2nd.—Little wind. At 3 p.m. hoisted out a Boat to try the Current, but found none. Saw several Grampusses. A.M. had a Boat in the Water, and Mr. Banks shott an Albetross which measured 10 feet 8 Inches from the tip of Wing to the other. He likewise shott 2 birds that were very much like Ducks, excepting their head and Bill; their plumage were dark brown. We first saw some of these birds in the Latitude of 40° South, after our first coming into those Seas. Wind W.S.W., S.W.; course N.N.W.; distance 35 m.; lat. 37° 10′ S., long. 172° 54′ W.

Tuesday, 3rd.—Little wind and sometimes Calm. A.M. Variation per Azimuth 13° 22′ E. Saw some fish like a Skip Jack, and a small sort that appeared very Transparent. Took up a very small piece of wood with Barnacles upon it, a proof that it hath been some time at Sea. Some very large Albetrosses about the Ship and other birds. The observed Latitude is 10 Miles to the Northward of that given by the Log, and it was the same Yesterday, which I think is a Proof that there must be a Current setting to the Northward, notwithstanding we did not find any when we try'd it. Wind Southerly; course N. 60° W.; distance 28 m.; lat. 36° 56′ S., long. 173° 27′ W.

Wednesday, 4th.—Gentle breezes and Cloudy weather. P.M. Variation per Azimuth 12° 48′ E.; sounded twice, but found no ground, with 120 fathoms of line. Saw some rock weed, but not in such plenty as of late. Wind S.E.; course S. 52½ W.; distance 86 m.; lat. 37° 43′ S., long. 175° 00′ W.

Thursday, 5th.—Light, gentle breezes and Clear weather. P.M.