Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/277

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Feb. 1770.]
Off Otago, Middle Island, New Zealand.

carried away the Maintop Gallant Mast and Foretopmast Steering Sail Boom; but these were soon replaced by others. Altho' we keept at no great Distance from the Shore, yet the weather was so Hazey that we could see nothing distinct upon the land, only that there were a ridge of Pretty high Hills lying Parrallel with, and but a little way from, the Sea Coast, which lies S. by W. and N. by E., and seem'd to End in a high Bluff point to the Southward, which we run the length of by 8 o'Clock, when, being dark; and not knowing which way the Land Trended, we brought too for the night, having run 15 Leagues upon a S.W. ½ W. Course since Noon. The point bore at this time W., distant about 5 Miles, depth of Water 37 fathoms, the bottom small pebble stones. At 4 A.M. we made Sail, but by this time the Northerly wind was gone, and was succeeded by one from the Southward, which proved very Var'ble and unsteady. At day light the point above mention'd bore N., distant 3 Leagues, and we found that the land trended away from it S.W. by W., as far as we could see. This point of land I have Named Cape Saunders, in Honour of Sir Charles[1] (Lat. 45° 55′ S.; Long. 189° 4′ W.). It requires no discription to know it by, the Lat. and the Angle made here by the Coast will be found quite sufficient; however, there is a remarkable saddle hill laying near the Shore, 3 or 4 Leagues S.W. of the Cape. From 1 to 4 Leagues North of the Cape the Shore seem'd to form 2 or 3 Bays, wherein there appear'd to be Anchorage and Shelter from S.W., Westerly, and N.W. winds.[2] I had some thoughts of bearing up for one of these places in the morning when the Wind came to S.W., but the fear of loosing time and the desire I had of pushing to the Southward, in order to see as much of the Coast as possible, or, if this land should prove to be an Island, to get round it, prevented me. Being not far from the Shore all this morning, we had an Opportunity of Viewing the Land pretty distinctly; it is of a Moderate height, full of Hills, which appear'd green and Woody, but we saw not the least signs of inhabitants. At Noon Cape Saunders bore N. 30° W., distant 4 Leagues. Latitude per Log, for we had no Observation, 46° 0′ S.

Monday, 26th.—In the P.M. had the wind Whifling all round the Compass, sometimes blowing a fresh Gale, and at other times almost Calm. At 5 o'Clock it fixed at W.S.W., and soon blow'd so hard as to put us past our Topsails, and to split the foresail all to pieces. After getting another to the Yard, we continued standing to the Southward under 2 Courses. At 1 A.M. the wind

  1. Admiral Sir Charles Saunders was First Lord of the Admiralty in 1766. He commanded the fleet at the capture of Quebec in 1759, in which Cook served.
  2. One of these is Otago Harbour, where lies Dunedin, perhaps the most important commercial city in New Zealand.