Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/443

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Dec. 1770.]
At Batavia.

Monday, 26th.—In the night had much rain, after which the Westerly Monsoons set in, which blow here generally in the night from the S.W. or from the land, in the day from the N.W. or North.

Tuesday, 27th.
Wednesday, 28th.
Thursday, 29th.
Friday, 30th.
SaturdayDec. 1st.
Sunday, 2nd.
Monday, 3rd.
Tuesday, 4th.
Wednesday, 5th.
Thursday, 6th.
Friday, 7th.
Employ'd getting on board Stores, Provisions, Water, rigging the Ship, repairing and bending the Sails. On the last of these days, having got all the Sick on board, and every other thing from the Island, we hauled off from the Wharfe with a design to run up to Batavia road, but the Wind proving scant obliged us to lay at anchor.

Saturday, 8th.—Fresh breezes Westerly, and fair weather. At 10 A.M. weigh'd and run up to Batavia road, where we anchor'd in 4¼ fathoms water.

Sunday, 9th.—First and latter parts ditto weather, middle squally with rain. In the P.M. sent on shore a Boat load of empty casks, and at the same time went myself in order to forward the things we wanted, and in the evening sent on board the new Pump, with some other stores that were immediately wanting.

Monday, 10th.—For the most part Squally, with rain; the people employ'd scraping the paint work.

Tuesday, 11th.
Wednesday, 12th.
Thursday, 13th.
Friday, 14th.
For the most part of these days fair weather. Employ'd taking on board Provisions and Water; this last is put on board at 5/- a Leager or 150 Gallons.

Saturday, 13th.—In the P.M. anchor'd here the Earl of Elgin, Captain Cooke, an English East India Company Ship from Madras, bound to China, but having lost her passage, put in here to wait for the next Season.

Sunday, 16th.
Monday, 17th.
Employ'd taking on board Provisions; Scraping and Painting the Ship.

Tuesday, 18th.—Gentle breezes and fair weather. Anchored here the Phoenix, Captain Black, an English Country Ship from Bencoolen.

Wednesday, 19th.
Thursday, 20th.
Friday, 21st.
Saturday, 22nd.
Sunday, 23rd.
Monday, 24th.
Fresh breezes, and for the most part fair weather. Completed taking on board Provisions, Water, etc. and getting the Ship ready for sea.

Tuesday, 25th.—Having now compleatly refitted the ship, and taken in a sufficient quantity of Provisions of all kinds, I this