Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/480

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  • Boats, Preservation of, 74.
  • Bolabola, Description of, 117.
    • Passed, 113.
  • Boobies, 257, 314, 336, 378.
  • Boot-topping, 19.
  • Bougainville, 314.
    • His visit to Tahiti, 72, 76, 101, 314, 395.
  • Bow Island, 56.
  • Buchan, Mr., Artist, Death of, 64.

  • Canoes, Australian, 243, 321.
    • New Zealand, 221, 222.
    • Society Islands, 118.
    • Tahiti, 97.
    • Voyages in, 119, 121.
  • Cape Colony, Remarks on, 382.
  • Cape Pigeons. See Pintado Birds.
  • Capetown, 376, 383.
  • Celery, Wild, 141, 154, 166, 190.
  • Chain Island, 58.
  • Chart-making, Remarks on, 337.
  • Clerke, Master's Mate, 76, 390.
  • Cockles (Tridacna), 284, 295, 306.
  • Cook, Captain, Character, xlv.
    • Death of, xliii.
    • Early life, xiii.
    • Survey of Newfoundland, xv.
    • First voyage, xxi.
    • Second, xxix.
    • Third, xxxvii.
  • Cook, Mrs., xv., xliv.

  • Damage to ship, 280, 281, 284, 353, 359.
  • Danger, Ship in, 169, 192, 204, 253, 254, 262, 263, 267, 274, 278, 279, 303, 308, 328, 330.
  • Dipping Needle, 13, 44.
  • Dolphin, H.M.S., Voyages of, xvii.
  • Downs, Return to, 394.
  • Dutch regulations for ships, 351.
    • Home Fleet, 357.
    • Dispute with, 362.
  • Dysentery, Deaths from, 368, 369, 370, 373, 372.
    • Remarks on, 377.

  • Egg-birds, 53.

  • Fleet, Indian, 386.
  • Flogging, 20, 22, 64, 76, 77, 79, 10, 108, 155, 166, 167, 371.
  • Fothering the ship, 276, 277.
  • Fuegian natives, 37.
  • Funchal, 6.

  • Good Hope, Cape of, 375.
  • Gore, Lieutenant, 76, 120, 198, 245, 282, 285, 341.
  • Green, the Astronomer, 31, 35, 68, 76, 131, 150, 305, 316, 354, 368.

  • Hicks, Lieutenant, 20, 69, 76, 85, 145, 160, 240, 244, 304, 349, 350, 354, 356, 388, 389.
  • Horn, Cape, 41.
    • Longitude of, 45.
    • Passage round, 48.
  • Huaheine visited, 109.
    • Description of, 110,

  • Islands, List of, 229.

  • Journal, Copy of, sent home, 356, 357.

  • Kangaroos, 280, 281, 287, 291, 294, 318.
  • King George's Island. See Tahiti.
  • Krakatoa, 349.

  • Lagoon Island, 55.
  • Language of New Zealand and Tahiti identical, 131, 225.
  • Le Maire Strait, 34-39.
    • Description of, 42.
    • Directions for, 42.
  • Lightning conductors, 354.
  • Line, Crossing the, 13.
  • Local attraction, 264.
  • Lunars, Cook's remarks on, 316.
  • Lunars, xxii.

  • Magra, Midshipman, 258, 278.
  • Molineux, Mr., Master, 67, 107, 285, 287, 290, 298, 300, 385.
  • Monkhouse, Midshipman, 277, 369
  • Monkhouse, Surgeon, 59, 64, 109, 359.
  • Mories or Temples, 83, 104, 118.

  • Natal, Coast of, 373.
  • Natives. See Tahiti.
    • See East Coast of Australia.
    • See New Zealand.
  • New Guinea, Coast of, 330, 334.
    • Land in, 333.
    • Weapons, 333.
  • New South Wales. See Australia, East Coast.
    • Remarks on, 317.
  • New Zealand—
    • Account of, 214.
    • Admiralty Bay, 213.
    • Animals, 217.
    • Attempt to seize a boy, 137.
    • Banks Peninsula, 197.
    • Brett, Cape, 163.
    • Burial, 224.
    • Camel, Mount, 171, 176, 177.
    • Campbell, Cape, 194.
    • Canoes, 221, 222,
    • Cannibalism, 156, 183, 184, 221.
    • Chart of, Accuracy of, 215.
    • Clothing, 219.
    • Colville, Cape, 158, 161.
    • Cook's Strait, 181, 186, 193.
    • Customs of mourning, 188.
    • Description of, 214.