Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/73

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Oct. 1768.]
Between Cape de Verd Islands and Equator.

Moderate breezes and Clear weather. Had several Azimuths both in the Evening and Morning, which gave the Variation S. 8° 30′ W. At Noon found by Observation that the Ship had outrun the Log 20 Miles, a Proof that there is a Current setting to the Southward. Wind N.E. by N. to E.S.E.; course S. by E.; distance 78 m.; lat. 8° 25′ N., long. 22° 4′ W.; at noon, Bonavista, S.E. point, N. 1° 45′ E., 152 leagues.

Sunday, 9th.—Light Airs and fine Clear weather. Found the Variation by a great Number of Azimuth made this Afternoon to be 8° 21′ 30″ W., and by the Morning Ampᵈ 7° 48′. At Noon try'd the Current, and found it set N.N.W. ¾ W., 1⅛ M. per hr. The Shifting of the Current was conformed by the Observed Latitude. Wind E.S.E.; course S. 16° W.; distance 29 m.; lat. 7° 58′ N., long. 22° 13′ W.; at noon, Bonavista, S.E. point, N. 2° 40′, 161 leagues.

Monday, 10th.—First part, light breezes and Clear weather; Middle, squally, with heavy Showers of Rain; latter, Variable, light Airs and Calm and dark gloomy weather. At 3 p.m. found the Current to set N.N.E. ¼ E., 1¼ Mile per Hr., and at Noon found it to set N.E. ¾ N. at the same rate, and the Variation to be 8° 39′ W. by the Mean of Several Azimuth. Wind S.E. by E., Southerly; course S.; distance 10 m.; lat. 7° 48′ N.; long. 22° 13′ W.; at noon, Bonavista, S.E. point, N. 3° E., 164 leagues.

Tuesday, 11th—Very Variable weather, with frequent Squalls, rain, and Lightning. By the Observed Latitude at Noon I find the Ship hath only made 22 Miles Southing since the last Observation two days ago, whereas the Log gives 55 Miles, a Proof that there is a Current setting to the Northward. Wind S.E.; course S. 52° W.; distance 18 m.; lat. 7° 36′ N., long. 22° 8′ W.; at noon, Bonavista, S.E. point, N. 3° E., 168 leagues.

Wednesday, 12th—Much the same weather as Yesterday the first part, the remainder mostly Calm and cloudy weather. A.M. try'd the Current and found it set S. by W. ¼ W., ½ Mile per Hour, which is not agreeable to yesterday's remark. Wind variable; course S. 33° 30′ W.; distance 20 m.; lat. 7° 21′ N., long. 22° 39′ W.; at noon Bonavista N. 5° E., 174 leagues.

Thursday, 13th.—Light Airs of Wind, with some heavy showers of rain. Variation by Azimuth and Amplitude this Evening 8° 46′ W. At Noon try'd the Current, and found it set S. ¾ E., ⅛ of a Mile per Hour; but finding the Observation and Log agree, I am inclinable to think it hath had no effect upon the Ship. Wind S.W., W.S.W.; course S. 16° 45′ E.; distance 21 m.; lat. 7° 1′ N. long. 22° 32′ W.; at noon, Bonavista, S.E. point, N. 5° E., 181 leagues.

Friday, 14th—Dark, gloomy weather, with much rain, the Wind Variable from W.S.W. to S.S.E., sometimes on one Tack and sometimes on the other. Wind W.S.W. to S.S.E.; course S. 5° E.;