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He had a staff into his hand,
to fight me an he could,
But herself be ran awa' frae him,
his horse be unco proud.

But I be rin around about,
and stand about the Guard,
Where I see the deil chap the hours,
tan me grow unco fear'd,

Ohon, ohon, her nainsel said,
and whar will me go rin?
For yonder be the black man,
that burns the souk for sin.

I'll no be stay nae langer here.
but fast me rin awa
And see te man thrawing te reaps
aside the Broomy law;

And O she be a lang tedder,
I spier'd what they'll do wi't?
He said to hang the Highlandmen,
for stealing of their meat.

Hout, hersels an honest shentleman,
I never yet did steal,
But when I meet a muckle purse,
I like it unco well.

Tan fare you well you saucy fellow,
I fain your skin would pay;
I came to your town the morn, but,
as I'll gang out yeasterday.