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( 3 )

On then ſaid Captain Ward, brave boys,
let's put to ſea again,
And ſee what prizes we'll find out,
on the coaſts of France and Spain:
Then we eſpy'd a lofty ſhip,
a ſailing from the weſt,
She was loaded with ſilks and ſatins,
and cambricks of the beſt.
Then we bore up to her ſtraightway,
they thinking on no ſuch thing,
O we robb'd them of their merchandize,
then bade them tell their king.
Now when the king had heard of this,
his heart was griev'd full fore,
To think his ſhips could not get paſt,
as they had done before.
Then he cauſed build a worthy fhip,
and a worthy ſhip of fame,
O the Rain-bow ſhe was called,
and the Rain-bow was her name.
O he rigged her and freighted her,
and ſent her to the ſea,
With a hundred and ſixty mariners,
to bear her company
They ſailed eaſt, they ſailed weſt,
but nothing cold eſpy,
Till they (illegible text)come o the very ſame port,

where Captain Ward did ly.