Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/123

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lattice or woven wire fences, in addition to having strong mesh wire over all openings. A fence around the hutches should offer protection against ordinary dogs, but you cannot be too careful about this. Most dogs that raid the rabbitries seem to be extraordinary dogs.

I have had them pull inch boards off a rabbitry held by six inch nails. I have had them tear off doors which were bolted down on hinges and strong locks. I have had them destroy as many as twenty-one rabbits in one evening, worth about two hundred and fifty dollars.

They always appear at unexpected times, generally when you are away from home, and the fancier should not neglect to take every precaution to protect his herd and his investment. No matter how much faith you may have in your hutches, put up a protecting fence. If you do not, you will some day, much to your regret.

Keep your eye on the airedales and the big fellows. The little dogs can't do any damage if your hutches are off the ground, as they should be.